Fall is a close second!
The trees, flowers, grass, shrubs, birds, bees, and life is just in full bloom and it all smells so gorgeous. I mean you walk down the streets and so many lovely scents hit you in the nose! There are so many ah-ha moments and I just can't stop smiling.
It's also a tough time to be inside working some days, right?!
And what the heck do I wear? Rifling through the closet trying to find stuff is a challenge. Where did I put that powder blue shirt? I thought I had more leggings? Where's my ankle bracelet? Sigh....but we all get through and re-stock for the summer weather. I still have to do that. Would probably make my days easier.
I've fallen behind in my social media endeavours. I'm revamping how I work with my Jibe Designs brand, and work for others has come first. It's slowing down which allows me space to step back and observe. I'm finding it all good.
When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen….There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly.”
. ~ Patrick Overton
spent a day at the CHFA trade show in Vancouver on Sunday and WOW! I love this health food show. It's not open to the public, just retailers and it's bursting with everything Vegan, Gluten Free non GMO, Fermented, sprouted etc etc etc......
I'm on a "no-sugar" kick which I probably will stay on for the rest of my life. Sugar is the enemy. So is corn. I know it's crazy but what we eat is so very important and I'm all in to doing everything I can to eat a healthy balanced diet. I say balanced because CHOCOLATE is still a part of it!! (Trying to find a low sugar chocolate that tastes good is a challenge but they're out there.)
I've learned so much by talking with so many of the committed people who care about good food. And there are so many of them! Everyone's got a story! I'm so excited that the organic, health food industry has so much to offer and tastes so very yummy! Seriously I find there is absolutely no need to kill an animal or even eat an egg.
I've enjoyed a vegetable and fruit diet for the last month and I can't believe the energy I have. I'm blessed to have a sister who's a nutritionist and a huge door opener to an industry that's absolutely bang-on to TRUTH. Well, our truth anyway.
Be well my friends. Life is beautiful.
It's been a whole lotta years since I started Jibe Designs and today, I finally received approval for Google's business page search and I'm pretty excited!
Crazy that I do this for other business's but yet I keep saying I'll get around to mine......but it's finally done.
Let's see if it makes a difference.
Have a great day!
Hey 2018.
I see you.
You're here and, ready or not, we are making the choice to embrace you for the time and opportunities you hold; knowing that every day, every moment is new and full of possibility, resolutions or not.
Funny how truly the beginning of every year is an opportunity to start anew. Make changes. Reflect. That's all lovely but does it really work? I have the best intentions to change it up a bit but truly it's really difficult to do that. Does anybody else feel this way?
Of course you do.
But onward we go. Time ticks away. Days turn into years and there you are. Still pretty much the same!
So what's new in my design world? Last year was truly a little challenging for me with jibe designs as my sister had died of Cancer and I found it a struggle to be creative. I fell into a muck and only regularly came out to dance. But having mucked about long enough I'm now ready to keep doing design work! It's what I truly love and can get into. The design concepts this year are more about togetherness, openess, stories and putting it all out there! Honesty as Oprah says is totally the bomb. Let's be truthful. The energy that goes with that is real, it's dramatic and people-drawing.
I'm looking forward to February actually! The Vancouver rains will be less, we're out of the January pressures and it's the month of LOVE! I'm preparing my website, petsitting my lovely friend's dogs and cats and uplifting my spirits with dreams of the sky being the limit to my wants!
Let's see how it all goes down.
Be kind to each other.