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Freelance Graphic Designer

Friday 5 August 2011

Holey Helen! It's hot in Florida!!!

Having finished a very intensive Multimedia Design course @ UBC, I had an opportunity to update my portfolio with family members in Florida who own this 75ft schooner "Grand Nellie" and run a non-profit business called "Sailvation". (teaching special kids to sail)! 
I spent some time in 34C constant heat on the boat charters to "feel" the vibes of Grand Nellie's fabulous Captain Ron and the crew! Well good golly miss molly, I learned I can't handle that heat!! Needless to say, I came home to "cool" Vancouver and haven't complained a bit since.  Love my dear family who put me up and I'll have to work from Vancouver from now on. 
Yes I know you are all thinking "wimp".
Me too.
