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Thursday 14 September 2017

Love Yourself

An exerpt:

We live in a global economy of insecurity. Not because of vacillating markets, but unstable self worth. Our lack of self esteem feeds the globalization machine. If you/we loved ourselves more deeply, a lot of industries would go bankrupt. But...bankrupting the human spirit turns out to be great for the gross national product.

Here’s a money-saving tip that also happens to be a radical counter-cultural act of defiance:

Before you buy the promising under eye concealer, or the jeans (that are just

like three other pairs of jeans you got, because they were going to change your life by attracting the perfect life partner), or before you sign the car lease because you’ve been picturing that moment you drive up to your family reunion, and as the glint of the chrome catches your cousins eye, they’ll finally know that you’ve been way smarter than all of them all along), before you pull out the credit card, take a full breath in and out and say to yourself, to YOU:

I love you.

And then see if you still have to have it.

True words by the ever-popular Danielle Laporte