That's what I'm being asked these days as I haven't updated my blog!
same ol' excuse - been busy!
Summer's here and the days are long!
We don't have the real warmth yet but we got a chiminea from a friend who wasn't using it and it's been pretty beautiful having a fire in the backyard and being one with nature! Of course there's always wine involved.
My sister and I went to Amsterdam to visit my daughter Megan there and had a really wonderful week of visiting, cycling, shopping and let's not forget eating! Amsterdam has a lot of fabulous restaurants and there is always so much to do. We rented a scooter (because Ria has a bit of a bum knee) and laughed every time we went on it! Amsterdamers get around a lot in the bike lanes so it was dodge and

weave and learn to watch where the lane is and what pedestrian you have to avoid! An art really, which took us a few days to master! LOVE Amsterdam!
I'm still sailing and this month we are planning a trip to Saltspring Island.
(it's getting a little warmer). It's a darn fine little oasis of an island full of laid back and organic hippy dippies and I'm pretty stoked to get there. If we don't sail there, I'll be doing it by bike. I'm getting really attached to my bike and even though she needs a bit of work, I somehow find I just don't have the time! My motto is "when it breaks - I fix it" Doesn't always serve me when the chain falls off on my way to work - but angh!....there's always my friend Chris.
Hope all is well with you my friends.
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